Hi guys!
One guy I really fancied had kissed all the girls i hung around with, leaving me the odd one out, I remember praying to god to get him to like me, but it never happened. I never wore make up and one day one of the girls put some on me and when a he told me i was ugly without make up i went home and cried and cried, I even wrapped a wire around my neck pulling it tight to stop me from breathing, and at the time I was texting a boy named Michael, and he happened to text me during this frenzy i was in and made me snap out of it.
At only 14/15 I didn't see any hope for myself, any dreams I ever had seemed like a light year away and they were never going to happen, sure i couldn't even get the boy i liked to kiss me. I then turned to alcohol, drinking all weekend and when I went to my friends house during the week, Alcohol made me feel like a different person, the more i drank the more I didn't feel the anxiety monster or the black dog on my shoulder. it was not the right way to cope but it helped, Id spend my nights in bed crying my eyes out thinking I should just end it all, writing various notes thinking that my family wouldn't even care if i was gone. wanting to just disappear.
We decided to be friends, to this day that guy is my best mate. Without him my life wouldn't have gone on for much longer, life got a bit better in the mean time but I always had the black dog niggling on my shoulder. School got worse, I was back to sitting by myself just wishing to get out of the school and be able to talk to Mick.
I was only 16 doing my Leaving Cert, I didn't know what i wanted from my life, I know I'd Love to be a make up artist but being me I didn't think my Dad would be proud of me if that's the career I went with.
So i decided to do a PLC course in Pre-Uni Science, i always wanted to be a teacher and thought because I was good at maths, thought it was a good decision. I made friends and things seemed to be looking up, everything was going well, but then things took a turn for the worst, one girl turned one or two against me, I was devastated i thought this girl was a friend and she was spreading rumours about me, I felt the whole world was judging me, then she went to Michael and decided to tell him the rumour, what made it worse was he trusted her more than me.
I felt so alone, being subjected to countless hours of torment that noone believed me, i dropped out, i couldn't cope with life, i spent the rest of days in bed pretending to go to college hiding from my Mam. I tried to hurt myself seriously but Michael stopped me, he told me that I was better than that, told me that there was something at the end of this very dark tunnel just waiting for me to break down the door in the way.
I then joined the wonderful Railway Union Rugby Football Club in Sandymount. That club is one of the best things to happen to me, I lost the urge to leave this earth, rugby gave me a sense of purpose.
i never missed a training session, every week i went to training, the girls were so welcoming, they made me feel like i had something to contribute to the world. i was still ever so self conscious at training, hated running because of my wobbly bits, so i sat out doing sit ups and squats, the only time i did any running was in a match, by the end of the year we had won our plate and i was over the moon, but yet that black dog was on my shoulder giving me guff saying i wasn't good enough, I shouldn't be there etc. I dreaded going back to rugby the next season, i knew I wasn't fit, felt i wasn't good enough to be on the team, everything i thought i was good at i felt had just gone, couldn't catch a ball, too afraid to tackle, too afraid to get the ball and run into space if i saw it. A number of things contributed to this tho.
Michael, my dear friend, got a girlfriend and i felt as though he had been stripped away from me because he wanted to spend all his time with her as he had previously spent all his time with me, i felt as though i had noone, even tho i had plenty of lovely people around me. i felt empty.
This is when I properly hit rock bottom.
I went from having a rock to cry on to having literally a pavement.. I'd go out and walk around aimlessly, crying, trying to make sense of my life, so many times tempting fate by going dangerous places or getting into dangerous situations just so i could feel something else bar emptiness.
I'd attack Michael verbally, he had no idea how bad things were in my head, he thought I was just being jealous. I was jealous, but not at the him or her, at the fact that I wanted him to be happy in a relationship with someone because it wasn't fair on him for me to be dragging him down with me. i could see that he was unhappy, and i wanted to see the guy smile, I was jealous that he found happiness where I could not. I had ruined every day we hung out or made plans together, cause I would find some reason to make a fuss where there need not be one, making his girlfriend so uncomfortable around me. Its at the point now where I had burned all bridges and there is no hope of them ever mending.
I let these feelings eat me up, the ugly i was feeling in my head was starting to show on my physical self. My hair started falling out in clumps and patches were bald, my skin was grey, haggard and the bags under my eyes growing darker every day, that black dog and the angry anxiety monster quickly eating away at.
what didn't help was I had been unemployed all this time too.
I had gotten some Anti-Depressants prescribed by the doctor, and I didn't just take one I took 5, I just wanted to be happy and thought the more I took the happier I'd be. I then had a thought, that if i just ended it all now life would be so much better for every person involved in my life. I just wanted to get out of all the pain and suffering. I had taken a few more various kinds of tablets just hoping that it would be over soon. Michael was out with his girlfriend, i was in his, he found me passed out in the bed when he came home, he woke me up asking me what I took and how many, obviously i hadn't a clue what I was doing because I didn't take enough or the right concoction to end it all.
you need to be patient, willing to listen to what you may think is nonsense that comes out of our gobs, you also need to be stern and tell us whats really going on, tell us how you see the situation.
I didn't have any girl friends and its what i craved the most. I met a girl online, on a place called Tagged, it was the only place i was accepted for me, That girl is now corner stone in my life, I would be lost without my Emzie! I also met another girl online named Ali, shes just such a sweetheart and would do anything for you.
i now have so many amazing friends and family that are always behind me. I've people in my life that actually want to listen to what i have to say.
I am and will forever be grateful to all those that have stood by me through my darkest of times.
to those girls and other people who gave me a chance when it was my last one. to those to take the time of day to spend some time with me.
This is one of the hardest things a person goes through and i was so alone for most of it.
if you get anything from this please if you see someone down make it your goal to cheer them up.
i set little goals for myself every day so I don't have time to think of various other thoughts or let the monsters creep on in.
my main goals for a day would be- make at least one person smile, compliment another, and have a conversation with an elderly or someone who just looks upset. I treat everyone the way i would like my family or myself to be treated.
this has been very hard for me to write so it has taken some time. don't get me wrong i still get bad weeks, my hair is still falling out to stress and anxiety and it may be this way forever but I'm going to live in the present from now on. good things are going to happen if i work hard, treat people well, help others out, and be myself.
My antidepressants make me feel normal, they limit my anxiety and just make me feel like i can be myself without the black dog or someone whispering in my ear telling me I'm a loser, a good for nothing dosser that's not going anywhere.
I'm now a much healthier weight for my height and losing weight each week.
I'm seeing that light brighter and brighter each day that passes, I have goals and i know Sarah is watching my every move pushing me to the next day. I don't know what crazy stuff will happen tomorrow but i sure as hell know I'm going to be around to find out.
I hope when you see someone sad or lonely you will talk to them cause you understand it that little bit more, no one wants to be depressed, lonely or sad. one act of kindness from a stranger can go along way in helping someones recovery.
We are the ones who must put an end to suicide.
Keep going to that bright light.
one way or another you'll get there. :)
Love Nikkie xox