Wednesday, 5 August 2015


Hey girlies :)

I'm a sufferer of alopecia. 
Alopecia is the loss of hair.
Alopecia can come about for a various amount of reasons like side affects of medication or stress.

The reason for my alopecia is a number of things.. stress, anxiety and my depression.

I started noticing my hair missing from the back of my neck around 2013, but I didn't actually acknowledged it untill my sister pointed it out. 
I got so paranoid about it after that. And started to become more depressed over it.

It's a very vicious cycle I was in.
The more I worried about what people thought of my hair the more I noticed the bald spots.. The ugly I felt on the inside was showing through 

I thankfully was graced with long thick hair that covered it when it was down. But when I was playing rugby I had it tied up and in my head I could feel people judging and laughing at me

The picture above 🔝 was when I first noticed my hair was going missing, in disbelief of what my sister has said about it being bald I had to take a picture to see for myself. 
It was in march 2013.
It spured me on to take some action. That horrible feeling of hating myself was starting to show, my hair and my skin were now being affected and it needed to stop.

The picture below it is in Aug 2014. It was a few months after councilling and taking the prescribed antidepressants. I was so happy that my hair was actually growing back.

The picture below is of now, taken on the 2nd of August hair is really long where it was once bald, but it's still very sparse and fine. 

But I'm getting there.
I'm dealing with it.

If any of you ever feel the way I have please talk to someone.. keeping it to yourself is the worst thing you can do. Keeping it to myself made my hair fall out, made me look the ugly I was feeling. 

You are a unique and beautiful person, each and everyone of you. Don't let one person, especially yourself judge you or dull your sparkle. 

If you feel like you need to talk to someone then do. It's the first step. 

I'm always here for a chinwag..

Be safe and be well my huns 

Nikkie xo

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